# Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18: A Complete Guide to the Ancient Vedic Hymns of the Nine Celestial Bodies
Navagraha Suktam is a powerful vedic hymn of the Nine Planets or the Navagrahas. It is a part of the Rig Veda and consists of nine verses, each dedicated to one of the nine planetary deities. The Navagrahas are:
– **Surya** (Sun), the lord of light and life
– **Chandra** (Moon), the lord of mind and emotions
– **Mangala** (Mars), the lord of courage and action
– **Budha** (Mercury), the lord of intelligence and communication
– **Guru** (Jupiter), the lord of wisdom and expansion
– **Shukra** (Venus), the lord of love and beauty
– **Shani** (Saturn), the lord of discipline and karma
– **Rahu** (North Node), the lord of illusion and ambition
– **Ketu** (South Node), the lord of detachment and liberation
The Navagraha Suktam is chanted to invoke the blessings of these nine planets and to reduce their malefic effects. It is believed that by reciting this hymn, one can gain peace, prosperity, protection, health, happiness, success and spiritual growth.
## How to Download Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 for Free?
If you are looking for a free download of Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18, you can visit the following websites:
– [Navagraha Suktam in Tamil – நவக்ரஹ ஸூக்தம்](https://bhaktinidhi.com/ta/navagraha-suktam-in-tamil/)
– [Navagraha Suktam – Tamil | Vaidika Vignanam](https://vignanam.org/tamil/navagraha-suktam.html)
– [Navagraha Suktam – நவக்ரஹ ஸூக்தம் – Stotra Nidhi](https://stotranidhi.com/ta/navagraha-suktam-in-tamil/)
These websites provide the Navagraha Suktam in Tamil PDF 18 format with lyrics and meaning. You can download them for free by clicking on the links or by right-clicking and choosing “Save as”.
## How to Chant Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18?
To chant Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18, you need to follow these steps:
– Choose a suitable time and place for chanting. Ideally, you should chant in the morning or evening, facing east or north, in a clean and quiet place.
– Take a bath and wear clean clothes. You can also apply sandalwood paste or kumkum on your forehead.
– Light a lamp and incense. You can also offer flowers, fruits or sweets to the Navagrahas.
– Sit in a comfortable posture with your spine straight. You can use a cushion or a mat for support.
– Hold a rosary or a mala in your right hand. You can use any type of beads, but preferably rudraksha or crystal.
– Start chanting the Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 with devotion and concentration. You can chant along with an audio or a video, or by yourself. You can chant one verse for each planet, or repeat the whole hymn nine times.
– After chanting, meditate for a few minutes and thank the Navagrahas for their blessings.
## What are the Benefits of Chanting Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18?
Chanting Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 has many benefits for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Some of them are:
– It helps to balance the energies of the nine planets in your horoscope and harmonize their influences on your life.
– It helps to remove any obstacles, difficulties, diseases, debts, enemies or curses caused by the negative effects of the planets.
– It helps to attract good luck, fortune, wealth, health, happiness, success and spiritual growth in your life.
– It helps to enhance your intelligence, creativity, communication, wisdom, love and beauty.
– It helps to develop your courage, action, discipline, detachment and liberation.
– It helps to connect with your higher self and realize your true potential.
## What is the Meaning of Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18?
Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 is a collection of nine verses, each dedicated to one of the nine planetary deities. The meaning of each verse is as follows:
– The first verse is an invocation to Lord Vishnu, who is the supreme lord of all the planets. It also praises the Sun, who is the source of light and life. It asks for the removal of all obstacles and the attainment of peace.
– The second verse is an invocation to Lord Soma, who is the Moon. It also praises the water, which is the source of life and healing. It asks for the bestowal of strength and prosperity.
– The third verse is an invocation to Lord Agni, who is the fire. It also praises the earth, which is the source of nourishment and stability. It asks for the protection of crops and animals.
– The fourth verse is an invocation to Lord Vishnu, who is the pervader of all. It also praises his three steps, which represent the three worlds. It asks for his grace and guidance.
– The fifth verse is an invocation to Lord Brihaspati, who is the Jupiter. He is also the preceptor of the gods and the lord of speech. It asks for his wisdom and eloquence.
– The sixth verse is an invocation to Lord Shukra, who is the Venus. He is also the lord of love and beauty. It asks for his blessings and charm.
– The seventh verse is an invocation to Lord Budha, who is the Mercury. He is also the lord of intelligence and communication. It asks for his knowledge and skill.
– The eighth verse is an invocation to Lord Shani, who is the Saturn. He is also the lord of discipline and karma. It asks for his mercy and justice.
– The ninth verse is an invocation to Lord Rahu and Ketu, who are the North Node and South Node. They are also the lords of illusion and liberation. It asks for their protection and enlightenment.
– ல் – l as in lap
– வ் – v as in van
– ழ் – zh as in treasure (with the tongue curled back)
– ள் – l as in lap (with the tongue curled back)
– ற் – r as in run (with the tongue curled back)
– ன் – n as in nap (with the tongue curled back)
– ஶ் – sh as in she
– ஜ் – j as in jam
– ஷ் – sh as in she
– ஸ் – s as in sit
– ஹ் – h as in hat
– The special symbols and diacritics are pronounced as follows:
– ஃ – a glottal stop, similar to the sound between the syllables of uh-oh
– ா – lengthens the preceding vowel
– ி – adds an i sound after the preceding consonant
– ீ – adds an ee sound after the preceding consonant
– ு – adds an u sound after the preceding consonant
– ூ – adds an oo sound after the preceding consonant
– ெ – adds an e sound before the following consonant
– ே – adds an ey sound before the following consonant
– ை – adds an ai sound before the following consonant
– ொ – adds an o sound before the following consonant
– ோ – adds an oh sound before the following consonant
– ௌ –
– ௌ – adds an au sound before the following consonant
– ஂ – adds an m sound at the end of the word
– ஃப் – f as in fan
– ஃஜ் – z as in zoo
– ஃக் – q as in queen
– ஃஸ் – x as in box
To help you with the pronunciation, you can listen to the audio or watch the video of Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 on these websites:
– [Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 Audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Y4f0nZvF9k)
– [Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q5JjQXgZ8w)
## How to Optimize Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 for SEO?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or a web page on search engines like Google or Bing. To optimize Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 for SEO, you need to follow these tips:
– Use the keyword “navagraha suktam tamil pdf 18” in the title, headings, subheadings, content and meta tags of your article. Make sure to use it naturally and not overstuff it.
– Use related keywords and synonyms of “navagraha suktam tamil pdf 18” in your article, such as “navagraha mantra”, “navagraha stotram”, “navagraha gayatri”, “navagraha peeda hara stotram” etc. This will help you rank for more search queries and avoid keyword cannibalization.
– Use long-tail keywords and phrases that are relevant to your article and your target audience, such as “how to chant navagraha suktam tamil pdf 18”, “benefits of navagraha suktam tamil pdf 18”, “meaning of navagraha suktam tamil pdf 18” etc. This will help you attract more organic traffic and conversions.
– Use internal and external links in your article to provide more value and information to your readers. Internal links are links that point to other pages on your website, while external links are links that point to other websites. For example, you can link to other articles on your website that are related to Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18, or you can link to authoritative sources that provide more details or evidence for your claims. Make sure to use descriptive anchor texts and not generic ones like “click here” or “read more”.
– Use images, videos, audio, infographics, charts, tables and other visual elements in your article to make it more engaging and appealing. Visual elements can also help you convey your message more effectively and break up large blocks of text. Make sure to use relevant and high-quality images and videos that are optimized for web performance and SEO. You can also use alt texts and captions for your images and videos to provide more context and keywords for search engines and users.
– Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, lists, bolding, italics and other formatting techniques in your article to make it more readable and scannable. Formatting techniques can also help you highlight the important points and keywords in your article. Make sure to use proper heading tags (H1-H6) for your headings and subheadings, and use them in a logical order. You can also use markdown syntax for formatting your article.
## How to Use Markdown Syntax for Formatting Your Article?
Markdown is a simple and lightweight markup language that allows you to format your text using plain text symbols. It is widely used for writing web content, such as blog posts, articles, documentation, etc. To use markdown syntax for formatting your article, you need to follow these rules:
– Use # for headings. The number of # symbols determines the level of the heading. For example:
– # Heading 1
– ## Heading 2
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– ##### Heading 5
– ###### Heading 6
– Use * or _ for italics. For example:
– *This text is italicized*
– _This text is also italicized_
– Use ** or __ for bold. For example:
– **This text is bold**
– __This text is also bold__
– Use *** or ___ for bold and italic. For example:
– ***This text is bold and italic***
– ___This text is also bold and italic___
– Use [text](url) for links. For example:
– [This is a link](https://www.bing.com)
– Use  for images. For example:
– Use > for blockquotes. For example:
> This is a blockquote.
– Use * or – or + for unordered lists. For example:
– This is an unordered list item
– This is another unordered list item
– This is a nested unordered list item
– This is another nested unordered list item
– Use numbers followed by . for ordered lists. For example:
1. This is an ordered list item
2. This is another ordered list item
1. This is a nested ordered list item
2. This is another nested ordered list item
– Use “` for code blocks. For example:
This is a code block.
– Use $ or $$ for math expressions. For example:
– $x^2 + y^2 = z^2$
– $$\int_{a}^{b} f(x) dx$$
You can learn more about markdown syntax and its features on these websites:
– [Markdown Guide](https://www.markdownguide.org/)
– [Mastering Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)
– [Markdown Tutorial](https://www.markdowntutorial.com/)
# Conclusion
Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18 is a powerful vedic hymn of the Nine Planets or the Navagrahas. It is a part of the Rig Veda and consists of nine verses, each dedicated to one of the nine planetary deities. By chanting this hymn, one can invoke the blessings of these nine planets and reduce their malefic effects. It can also help one gain peace, prosperity, protection, health, happiness, success and spiritual growth.
In this article, we have provided you with a complete guide to Navagraha Suktam Tamil PDF 18. We have explained how to download it for free, how to chant it, what are its benefits and meanings, how to pronounce it and how to optimize it for SEO. We hope you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy chanting! ?
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