Hematohm is one of those audio plugins that you insert into your host application and make a wonderful mess of things. With it you are able to take your audio and mutate it into something completely different and unique sounding.
Dual interface
The plugin is easy to install and should pose no problem to any user. A nice thing about Hematohm, because you can’t actually call it a feature, is the fact that it comes with two ways in which you can view and consequently, interact with it.
You are able to choose between a classic or ‘funky’ skin for the plugin. The first offers you a standard, analog device-looking design while the other is made to be used after you’re already familiar with how the plugin works and what it can do because the latter looks completely alien.
Presets and knobs
As any self-respecting plugin should, Hematohm offers you the possibility to create and manage a decent number of presets which you can save on your hard drive. They are activated with a simple click of the mouse and the preset panel even offers you a knob you can use to set the time in which the plugin makes the transition from one preset to the other.
Hematohm provides you with the usual knobs that you can use to adjust various parameters. With them you get to influence the overall effect, control the LFO, envelope and delay properties.
A thing that is worth mentioning is that for each knob you can use two ways to adjust them. With one selected/activated, moving the mouse up or down allows you to quickly change the values for the parameters while swiping left to right or vice versa has the same result but with much more precision.
A powerful audio plugin
Though not much has actually been said about Hematohm, it’s enough to make you understand that if you’re looking to obtain some weird and grimy sounds, you should definitely give it a try.

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Designed by TCS Audio, Hematohm is a true audio plugin that allows you to experiment with various styles of sound and to get the most out of them. The plugin can be used for a variety of things and offers you the freedom to do all kinds of things with it. Because of this, it’s up to you whether you want to use the plugin to simply create some sound or whether you would like to use it to create something completely different.
With all this in mind, we should probably talk about the features. After all, that’s what the majority of plugins are usually built for. The standard version of Hematohm is available for both Mac and Windows and contains three files: Hematohm.Plugin.plugin, Hematohm.Viewer.plugin and Hematohm.Viewer.mac. By using these, you can use Hematohm on any host application that supports Plug-Ins and Plugin viewers.
The plugin can be downloaded for free and it can be used on both Mac and Windows.
Plug-in features:
• The plugin is compatible with host applications that support the Plugin Extensions
• Allows you to create user presets
• Shows several dials and knobs that you can use to adjust the plugin
• Shows the waveform view
• Shows the waveform view
• Lets you save, load and delete user presets
• Saves the effects in the user presets
• Allows you to play the plugin in the Plugin Viewer
• Allows you to play the plugin in the Plugin Viewer
• Lets you use two ways to adjust the parameters
• Shows the help window when you hover over a button
• Allows you to control the LFO, envelope and delay knobs
V.I.P. (Very Important Plugin) Description:
Designed by TCS Audio, V.I.P. is a true audio plugin that is used to create a sense of perfection and to add a nice new twist to your audio production. The plugin has been designed to not only create sound that is unique and hard to imitate but also to be easy to use.
V.I.P. provides you with a wide number of features that allow you to quickly alter the sound you create while making it sound better at the same time. It’s capable of creating presets that sound like nothing you’ve heard before and it’s the only plugin on the market that can do this without the use of a sequ
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The plugin lets you use your keyboard to control the parameters of an effect. This isn’t the most intuitive feature to use but it can be made really efficient with a little effort.
This plugin was designed for people who want to add some fun and creative touch to their favourite effects. The idea is to make your favourite effects interactive, to give them some kind of a character.
With this plugin you can turn your favourite audio effect into an interactive audio playground.
With this plugin you can expand the virtual controls of your favourite audio effect with real hardware controls.
Control over host application:
• Choose between classic or funky skin for the plugin.
• Choose between pitch, velocity, time or mod wheel for your control.
• Use one keyboard as for host application or MIDI controller.
Hematohm, the unknown gem
Hematohm is an audio plugin that lets you add some fun and creative touch to your favourite audio effects.
Once you’ve added this plugin, you have the chance to use your keyboard to control the parameters of an effect. This isn’t the most intuitive feature to use but it can be made really efficient with a little effort.
This plugin is easy to install and should pose no problem to any user.
Each plugin comes with an installation wizard which will guide you step by step trough the process.
You have access to a simple and intuitive configuration window from which you can easily change a couple of settings.
Multi-purpose audio filter
Hematohm has two different effects.
The first one can be used as an audio filter in your host application. This is a really powerful effect which lets you change the sound of any input signal in a given range.
The other is a simple delay effect which you can use in a number of different ways.
This plugin is based on hemat engine, which is a bleeding edge engine based on Pure Data.
This plugin was designed for people who want to add some fun and creative touch to their favourite effects. The idea is to make your favourite effects interactive, to give them some kind of a character.
This is the first plugin that has been released by the company that has developed hemat engine. It will eventually turn into a multi-purpose audio effect and much more, but it’s still in an early stage.
The plugin uses the realtime hemat engine by its side
Hematohm Crack+ [Win/Mac]
Hematohm is an effect plugin that will help you to achieve different and unique audio alterations.
Why should you buy this plugin:
The plugin is cheap, an important thing when you’re looking for a plugin that will help you to achieve completely different sounds
Part of an issue with many plugins that you can find in the digital market is that they are very good quality, but very expensive. The good news is that you can now buy a lot of plugins at a much lower price.
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What’s New In?
The sound of warm analog vintage-style valve distortion in the style of german studio legend Roger Mayer!
What’s in it?
– 6 different non-linear style presets
– 3 different LFOs
– 3 different envelopes
– 4 different sets of modulators (6 in total)
– (1) compressor
– (4) 2x Bass/Treble EQs
– (1) Reverb
– 3 mixing matrices with 3 different sends to choose from (mix, send to bus, individual)
– (3) FX for adding distortion, reverb and chorus
– (1) Saturation compressor
– 2x crossfade handles for easily and quickly building up your transitions
– (1) Multimode filter
– Mix knob: alter the input level with the output level
– (5) Peak reduction knobs for instantly reducing the level
– The LFO waveforms are shaped and amplified by the master volume control
– (2) optional level controls for mixing the LFOs & envelopes together
– (1) tempo control for adjusting the length of the LFOs
– (1) mixer knob: select any of the available FX
– Mixer knobs: adjust the master volume, level and 3x balance for your mix
– (1) tuner knob: adjust the frequency of the LFO
– (1) split knob: for easily changing the phase of the LFO
– There are 6 different preset modes that you can play with
– There are 4 different sets of LFOs that you can adjust
– There are 3 different envelopes and 2 different level controls
– There are 3 different modulators that you can use for quickly changing the sound
– There are 3 different mixing matrices that you can use for quickly building up your transitions
– There are 4 different FX for adding distortion, reverb, chorus and saturation
– There are 3 different compression effects: 2 send mix, gain/preamp, and send to bus
– There are 2 different stereo filters: 1 low pass filter and 1 band pass filter
– There is one and the same LFO for the modulators
– There are 4 different reverb effects: 3 modulation reverb and 1 room reverb
– There are 3 different delay effects: 1 built-in, 1 multiband, and 1 ping-pong delay
– There is 1 chorus effect that you can use for quickly building up your transitions
– There are 3 different switchable effects: distortion, saturation, and reverb
– There are 2x Bass/Treble EQs with 1 frequency knob each for quickly changing the sound
– There are 3 mixing matrices: mix, send to bus, individual
– There are 3 multicolor crossfades: 1 multicolor lFO crossfade, 1 individual crossfade,
System Requirements For Hematohm:
OS: Microsoft Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 (32-bit or 64-bit editions)
Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD Phenom II, or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video: Intel HD 4000 or AMD HD 6000 or higher
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 10 GB available space
Additional Notes:
A free 1-month Xbox Live Gold membership is required to play on Xbox One.
Online multiplayer requires an active internet connection
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