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How to display the data from first 2 rows in a tabular format in excel VBA
I need to fetch the data from the first 2 rows of the sheet1 data. I need to get the date and print it in the datatable in Excel VBA
Here is an example of how you can sort of “roll through” the cells of a sheet:
Sub ShowAllCells()
Const N As Long = 1
Dim d1 As Date
Dim d2 As Date
d1 = WorksheetFunction.Min(WorksheetFunction.Sort(WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 1), WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 7), 1))
d2 = WorksheetFunction.Max(WorksheetFunction.Sort(WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 1), WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 7), 1))
WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 8) = Format(d1, “dd/mm/yyyy”)
WorksheetFunction.Cells(N + 1, 9) = Format(d2, “dd/mm/yyyy”)
End Sub
Obviously you can just use the values passed into the sub if you want, but you can see how it rolls through the cells and outputs a date/time in the output cell.
In the above code, N is the row number of the sheet (that is, the row in the “current sheet” that you want to work with). I don’t know where you want to store the data you get from the first two rows.
Hope this helps
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