LaueTools provides users with complete tools to helps them process images, solve crystal structures such as orientation and strain, as well as to visualize data and grain mappings.
LaueTools is worth having when is needed for white beam Laue x-ray microdiffraction data analysis and assists you in the processes of patterns simulation and recognition.
LaueTools Crack +
LaueTools is a software suite to solve crystal structures of single crystals. It consists of three main applications for microdiffraction. These include a crystal pattern processing application, a grain mapper application and a Fourier transformation of a pattern application.
LaueTools provides complete tools for processing microdiffraction pattern images, solving crystal structures such as strain, orientation, absolute crystal orientation and mosaicity, and a Fourier transformation of images. The software can be used by a biologist, physicist, or other expert, or by students who are currently in the process of learning how to use the powerful tools provided in LaueTools.
Some tools are implemented by the user and other tools are implemented through the library. The library is provided with source code for download. The user also has access to some example images and examples of the software that can be helpful for studying LaueTools.
Any feedback is welcome!
LaueTools Features:
– full processing of microdiffraction patterns
– processing of Laue-synthetic data
– 3D visualization of patterns and direct access to the data
– a Laue-specific grain mapping tool
– viewing of the orientation and strain of a crystallite
– Fourier transformation of microdiffraction patterns
– crystal structure recognition, recognition of simulated patterns
– processing of anomalous signal
– 2D or 3D view of a 2D pattern
– processing of 2D diffraction patterns
– processing of 3D microdiffraction patterns
– processing of all structure factors
– processing of 2D data
– processing of 3D data
– processing of structure factors
– processing of normal diffraction data
– common features for processing data
– common features for processing 2D and 3D data
– direct data access to the pattern
– direct data access to the information about the diffraction condition
– direct data access to the orientation of the diffraction condition
– direct data access to the orientation of the crystal
– direct data access to the diffraction angle
– direct data access to the structure factor
– direct data access to the intensity of the diffraction
– and more!
Most useful tools
– Orientation estimation and pattern recognition
– 2D and 3D grain mappings
– Grain orientations calculation
– Orientation of a microdiffraction pattern
– Simplified processing of microdiffraction patterns
– User-defined maximum and minimum grain size
– User-defined convergence angle
– Orientation and strain
LaueTools [32|64bit]
Keymacro is a macro recorder for LabVIEW, LaTeX and bash.
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*Run macros one by one and multiple times
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*Generate macro log report
*Copy macros to LaTeX and bash
*Export macros as macros, LaTeX file and bash script
Keymacro is worth having when is needed for macro writing, debugging and maintenance.
Manage your macros in LabVIEW, LaTeX and bash, by Keymacro.
*LabVIEW 2008 or later
*TeX Live 2003 or later
*LaTeX 2.09 or later
*Bash 0.4.0 or later
FileVersion: 2.8.0
Development Status: 5 – Production
 developed at the AMSS Center for Crystallography, University of Manchester.
It is a general-purpose code for processing of crystallographic and diffraction image data sets.
ICS has already been used successfully in many applications such as strain analysis, imaging and finding grain boundaries, etc.
Like LaueTools, ICS is available from its website at
What’s New In?
LaueTools is a software package, developed by J&K Microdiffraction Data Analysis, to process and analyze the Laue diffraction patterns.
LaueTools provides a powerful and user-friendly way to process Laue diffraction images. It includes features such as:
* Lattice search, using either a database or an automatic orientation search.
* Unique grain search.
* 2D Fourier transform.
* 2D diffraction vectors (and others like it).
* Viewing in 3D including rotation and offset (e.g. for strain analysis).
* Simulate 2D maps for any parameter.
* Visualization tools for 2D maps including slice, vector plot, stack plot, and wireframe.
* Cursor driven tables.
* Resize and crop images.
* 3D visualization.
* View and edit grain maps.
* Fast Fourier transform (FFT) based pattern simulation and recognition.
* Grain segmentation (e.g. image segmentation) using modified Chan–Vese method.
* Position finding and indexing for indexing-based 3D crystal structure solution.
LaueTools may be used as a stand-alone program for any Laue diffraction analysis. It can be also used as a plug-in for the image processing software CASPR. Moreover, LaueTools has been developed to integrate with LaueTools-Microimage for the analysis of microdiffraction data.
The following features are provided by LaueTools:
# Orientation Search
The user can either search orientation on an in-house database (e.g. SHELX, SHELXL) or by using the automatic orientation search provided by the software.
# Unique Grain Search
When using the database, after choosing orientation search, the program will list a series of unique grains in the image. The user then needs to choose the grain. This unique grain will be used for the future process of lattice determination.
# 2D Fourier Transform
The software can perform a 2D Fourier transform on the selected image. The program then creates a 2D diffraction vectors map for the region of interest of the image.
# Visualizing in 3D (including rotation and offset)
The software can perform a 3D rotation using the window tool. It also can use an offset value to create a specific viewing direction.
# Simulate 2D Maps for Any Parameter
The program can simulate 2D maps for any parameter. For example, it can simulate 2D maps for the diffraction intensity (crystal size), orientation, strain, mosaic spread, and any other parameter.
# Viewing in 3D
The user can view the 3D map of the 2[work
System Requirements:
To install the client and connect to the server, you will need the following installed on your computer:
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
Mac OS X 10.5 or higher
Linux distro (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, and more)
Firefox 3 or higher
Google Chrome
Java 1.6.0 or higher
Antivirus or Firewall software
DirectX 9 or higher
The server is written in Visual Basic and relies on DirectX. To run the game
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